Actual Anti-Aging(AAA) NAD+ Extra 卡卡杜李輔酶

Sale price$1,580



Actual Anti-Aging(AAA) NAD+ Extra  


"Elixir of Immortality", "Elixir of Longevity”…These kinds of incredible terms have been circulating between the scholars in Harvard, MIT, the influential people of science, technology, and media industry in the past two years.

Scientific Name:Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
NAD is also called Coenzyme I. It exists naturally in living cells of the human body, and specifically it is a key molecule in the vital processes of energy metabolism, mitochondrial function maintenance, DNA repair, and antioxidant and reductive synthesis.

After more than a century of research by several generations of scientists, including many Nobel laureates, it has been confirmed that NAD+ plays an extremely important role in the regulation of aging and disease. Put simply, the amount of NAD+ in the human body determines the life span of its cells.

One important discovery was that after the age of 30, NAD+ levels in our bodies rapidly decrease as our age increases. For example, the level found in an average 40 year old is approximately 25% of that found in youngsters. And by the time we reach 60, a mere 12.5% remains!

Fortunately, this simple, direct relationship between amounts of NAD+ and lifespan meant that if there was a way to regularly supplement with NAD+, we could effectively delay the onset of aging and all of its symptoms.
In the past two years, clinical trials have culminated in a breakthrough, and scientists have now found ways to efficiently supplement NAD+ orally. Thus, our anti-aging health product, NAD+Extra was born.

Product information of NAD+ Extra
Product name: NAD+ Extra
Product display: Bottled soft capsules
Product specifications: 60 Capsules/ Bottle

Adults take 1 capsule twice daily with meal or as advised by your doctor / healthcare professional.

1.  Do not take while on warfarin therapy without medical advice
2. When pregnant, nursing, or taking any medicines, please consult your doctor before taking.

Store below 30℃ in cool dry place
Do not use if seal is broken or missing

Actual Anti-Aging NAD + Extra 卡卡杜李輔酶

槲皮素,烟酸,亮氨酸,氧化鎂,卡卡杜李,葡萄(白藜蘆醇、花青素 粳稻,烟酰胺, Q10 輔酶,葉酸,鉻




  • 抗氧化/減少體內形成的自由基
  • 有助減少自由基對身體細胞的伤害
  • 维持能量水平
  • 有助於將食物轉化為能量
  • 維持/支持能量生產維持
  • 支持眼睛健康維持
  • 支持身體粘膜健康維持
  • 支持總體健康
  • 協助健康的紅血球生產維持
  • 支持毛細血管健康維持
  • 支持血管健康幫助協助
  • 幫助葡萄糖/糖/碳水化合物代謝
  • 幫助/協助身體內蛋白質合成
  • 幫助預防維生素/礦物質/營養素缺乏
  • 幫助/協助/有助於精神緊張(缺乏維生素/礦物質/營養素狀態)
  • 維持/支持神經系統功能保持皮肤健康


  • 能量  9.94 kcal
  • 蛋白粉 0.588 g
  • 總脂肪 0.714 g
  • 飽和脂肪 0.057 g
  • 反式脂肪 0 g
  • 碳水化合物 0.4 g
  • 膳食纖維 0.07 g
  • 糖 0 g
  • 鈉 0.59 mg



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